It's a long weekend here in Ontario, and for most people that means an extra day to relax.
Not me unfortunately :(
Long weekends are always crazy busy for me. Whether I'm running back to Toronto or just running around aimlessly, the weekend is almost more tiring than the work week.
On top of everything, I just moved to a new apartment and oh man. U-Haul rentals, multiple trips to IKEA...and oh yes. The only thing worse than packing is unpacking :(
So apologies for the slight delay in July's post!
In my defense, long weekend Monday = Regular weekend Sunday, no?
Baaaasically I forgot what date it was. Meep.
guilty face |
Isn't this baby blue Oldsmobile super awesometastic though? It's a display fixture outside an autoshop, just around the corner from the U-Haul/IKEA (which is how I discovered it!)
Thanks for reading! Apologies for the lack of writing in this post but uh. Back to unpacking for me...
Hope you enjoyed these photos! :)
Bonus BTS shot:
Found an adorable Oreo kitty on my way to shooting! Wanted so badly to take him with me and be Rocky's new playmate :3
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