Have you ever tried a
Super Lemon? Because you should really try a Super Lemon.
Super Lemon has got to be one of my favourite candies. They are, as the name implies, super sour, but also super delicious.
And if you make it past the first layer of the super sour powder, the hard candy underneath is actually quite sweet.
as sweet as these blossoms smelled :) |
And this preamble is totally related because this dress is named “Super Lemon”. Yes, sometimes I give names to my clothes. No, I’m sure I can't be the only one. Shhh, don’t judge me so loudly; I can hear you through the internet.
"Super Lemon" from Zara
bag borrowed from Anita |
ohmergerd flerwers |
Banana Republic silk headscarf
sunglasses borrowed from Amanda |
I joke pretty often about going out to buy things to shoot (as opposed to most people going out to
find things to shoot) but actually the outfits for both this shoot and April's were stuff I already owned. In fact, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that nothing from this month's outfit is real vintage (although for April I got to reuse the vintage pearl bracelet – yay!) But yes, with the obvious exception of a few borrowed accessories, all the pieces of clothing used in both shoots are my real clothes that I wear in my everyday life. And separately they are totally appropriate for work (I hope?) but I find that by combining certain things, somehow I get a pretty vintage-y result. I think that’s part of the fun of this year-long vintage concept that I’ve decided to commit to -- that the maturity of my ideas range from "extremely well thought-out" to "thrown together at the very last minute".
tulips |
lilacs |
And that’s a big difference however between this shoot and April's travel themed one. I knew I wanted to do a travel theme for a while so I had specific images in mind that I was diligently trying recreate on camera. For this shoot however, I looked in my closet and went, “huh, this could work”, arranged a last minute meet up in beautiful historic Unionville with Anita, and we just walked around with my camera. I would find a backdrop I like and mime a rectangle around the area that I wanted in the frame and then Anita would help take the shot. There was still the expected amount of running back and forth to review and yelling at each other from across the way: "Am I in the shot now??" "Wait my hair was in my eye!" "Put your tongue back in your mouth!" -- (context feels required here but I'll pass on explaining further). Nevertheless, it was incredibly nostalgic to be shooting with Anita again as well as oodles and cabooodles of fun, which is probably why I have so many outtakes of me cracking up.
inside a gazebo |
Funny thing, I actually did a fair bit of research after the shoot to confirm that my outfit was true to the style of the time period I thought I was emulating. I remember looking at my outfit and thinking “this is so 60s!” but also “what do I know? It’s not like I was around back then!” After poring over old photographs on Google images, I think it’s safe to say that with the brightly coloured boxy dress, the giant baubles dangling from my ears, and the silk polka-dotted headscarf, I feel like I did a decent job :) (
this image from Pinterest and this page on
Twiggy being my main points of reference.)
Dorie flats from Coach |
bangle bracelet from J Crew
earrings from night market |
I hope you enjoyed these photos! Thanks for reading :)
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