Hello everyone! As alluded to in my previous post, today's post is focused on my favourite colour: burgundy (or wine red, whatever you want to call it). I own multiple items in this colour, including a scarf, shoes, and a skirt which are not in this post.
First on the list is my trench coat from last post's Brick Works photoshoot:
Awkward smile |
I haven't really done any "fashion-focused" post so I wanted to try to share the different facets of my style, all featuring an item of this colour. Trench coats in general are just really classic and always make you look put together. I picked up this one from Banana Republic last year, despite already owning a trench coat (also pictured in this post), I fell in love with the colour and the elegance of the longer length. Every time I put it on, it's a more sophisticated feel, as opposed to being comfy in a sweatshirt or feeling powerful in a leather jacket.
The next outfit is this lace dress, perfect for date night.
Serious face on |
I got this dress from Express and couldn't find a time to wear it as it seemed too dressy for work. However, it worked out great for listening to the Toronto Symphony Orchestra play Dvorak's New World Symphony at Roy Thompson Hall. RTH has these metal doors are all reflective with lights along the side, which is why I decided I needed a photo here. Apologies for the weird wrinkles in my dress, the concert didn't have an intermission so I had to sit still the whole time and couldn't smooth it out afterwards.
The next look is more fashion-y, featuring these high-waisted shorts from Forever21.
vintage postcard style |
I actually just happened to be wearing that exact outfit when I tried on the shorts and liked how it looked in the fitting room. However, I don't really foresee myself wearing this too often, as it's a wee bit too fashionable for practical purposes (it's cold so I'm in boots + cardigan...but I'm going to wear shorts?) Maybe I'll try to find tights in a colour that would work, just so my legs are covered.
Two peace signs AND my tongue is out
#classic |
I tried my hand at heavier editing and using more noticeable filters as the background colours were not to my liking. Look at how green this grass is! and how sad I am. Super sad face :(
is this Autumn? where are my reds and oranges?? :( |
deep in thought...or looking at a squirrel?
I took the lazy route and didn't selectively correct edited parts of the photos, which is why my hair is just a dark mass. I think it has it's own vintage-y effect but I don't know if I'll try the same treatment next time.
These jeans/pants from Dynamite (pictured above) have a more purpley tinge to them (although it's not really noticeable after all the editing) but they're super soft and comfortable and can be work appropriate if I replace the hoodie with a nice sweater, and the military boots with suede heels (unfortunately I don't have a photo on hand, sorry! I'll try to be better at planning ahead for photos).
Speaking of needing to plan ahead, I'm sure you've noticed there was only one photo per outfit. That was due entirely to poor planning. I knew I wanted to take photos for this post but once I got back to Toronto, all I had on my mind was food. In my defense, it was Thanksgiving long weekend, which I had thought meant I had more time to go shooting but instead it just meant more time to stuff my face. I think I've mentioned before that I only manage to pick out maybe 3 photos I like out of a set of 200. I only had 30ish photos for each of these sets so I'm not too surprised that I couldn't find too many that I liked. It would be a lot more effort to do a reshoot so it's definitely a refresh of a lesson learned to seize the moment while I've got it.
Lastly, I've finally decided to do something about the fact that the Instagram button on my homepage doesn't show up when viewing my blog on the mobile version. So I've created
a new page (new tab in the top nav bar) for all my Instagram photos! That way, photos that used to be exclusively on my Instagram can have their own spot on this blog as well. Also, clicking on the photos would take you to my Instagram account, in case you prefer to look at photos on their interface. Please excuse me as I'm slowly adding the photos in :)
Thanks for reading!
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