Wasn't it just last week that had temperatures in the 30s and now tomorrow is the first day of September? Summer seems to have, once again, gone by much too quickly :( Still, I'm glad that at the very least I got to cram in some traditional summer activities, including going to the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), also known as the EX. The moment I arrived, I knew right away what I wanted. omnom OMNOMNOM I really wanted more photos to show the diminishing cotton candy but the funny thing is that it didn't really last past those two photos. A little bit on my outfit for the day: I was going for an eighties vibe, with the high-waisted shorts and tennis-style sneakers. For reference, in addition to my usual Google image search, I also flipped through old photos of my parents (teehee). I thought it was funny how awkward they looked in their younger years and so all my poses this batch are of me standing around awkwardly. If you're wonde...
“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ― Ansel Adams