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Showing posts from May, 2017

Tall boots with Lily

Happy Fashion Friday! Trying something a little different with this month's fashion post :) Working with models again, I found that it's easy to fall into the mindset that if we don't have a good location to shoot, then what's the point?  And while yes, a beautiful backdrop can definitely help a photo, it's not a necessity for fashion photography. Think about commercial fashion photography (for advertisements or magazines) that are done in the studio to showcase new arrivals -- nothing but an white backdrop to put the spotlight on the items and the model (my favourite example is And so I remind myself not to let bad weather or lack of scouting out a location prevent me from having a shoot happen.  Especially since my models all have lives outside of modeling for me, it's crucial not to call off a shoot since who knows when we'll find another time when we're both available! FYI: both sets of photos in this post were taken outside of Simons...

Montreal Biodome

As promised in the last post , more animals! Photos are from my first visit to the Montreal Biodome over the Easter weekend. It was a rainy day out so made perfect sense to be indoors and enjoying the company of some furry friends :) peekaboo! black monkeys orange monkeys blue macaws lynx! I love how almost all the animals were in pairs! It was so sweet and adorable to see them cuddling together or sharing food. I'm sure there are practical reasons to have a buddy but I can't help but be like, "aww! they're together because they love each other!! <3" The monkeys, macaws, and lynx were all really far away so these photos have been significantly cropped. My dad has a zoom lens back in Toronto but I never found a need for it -- until now! Making a note to pick up the zoom lens to at least have on hand if I ever need to shoot animals again. Lucky for me, the otters were much closer! Look at his adorable little face: otter! I actuall...

Myles at the Museum

I've been pretty good about bringing my camera along with me to places but it's resulted in batches and batches of photos that I haven't gotten around to editing! Not sure how I used to crank out posts when I first started this blog (almost 3 whole years ago!) like a schoolgirl who rushes home to write in her journal about the day's events. But an unexpected benefit to waiting instead of posting right away is that I'm able to notice themes or patterns between my shoots and come up with some slightly more meaningful content aside from the typical, "And this is what I did last weekend and here are some pictures to prove I'm not making it up lol." So without further ado, here's what I did a couple weekends ago, and also some pictures to prove I'm not making it up :) staring in awe at the giant jellyfish My buddy Adam invited me to go to the Nature Museum with him and his son, Myles. I've been to the Nature Museum a couple times al...