Is it just me or was autumn incredibly short this year? There was a week in September when it was still nice and then BAM it was suddenly ridiculously chilly. And now it already feels like winter is slowly descending upon us ( winter is coming ) and boo am I the only one upset that I have this whole autumn section in my closet that is going to have to wait a whole nother year? -super sad panda- Anyway, it must've been that last nice week in September when I took these photos then, in my boho dress and hat, without the need for a jacket. look left look right I've gotten a surprisingly large number of compliments on this super affordable dress from Forever21 and have gotten quite a few wears out of it already. It's a great loose style too -- I've already shared it with my pretty mama. As previously mentioned, I've been working on improving my "phashion fotography" and have been researching ideas by collecting magazines from stores that I f...
“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ― Ansel Adams