About a month ago, before I was to leave for my trip to China, I had a mini-vacation with my family in Prince Edward Country, which is about an hour west of Kingston. We planned to visit the aromatic lavender fields, but ran into a sailing team practice on the way, so of course we had to pull over and take photos. mom & dad just chilling boats boats boats this one's getting framed and going on top of the piano :) The weather was pretty great, not too hot, but the sky could’ve been more blue and less grey. We actually missed the prime week for lavender, which was the week before, but it was still very nice and less of a crowd (which I prefer). DIY filtering Lavender was definitely tricky to photograph, and I wasn't as prepared as I thought for how low it was and how much squatting was required. There was no shade which resulted in me trying some lame DIY filtering by putting my sunglasses in front of my lens and ended up with this funky effect....
“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ― Ansel Adams