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Showing posts from April, 2015

The Quebec Side

Four months into 2015 seems like a good time for a pulse check on my new year's resolutions. ...On second thought, let's just focus on the stuff I managed to keep doing. An extra benefit of exploring Ottawa is getting to visit the nearby places on the Quebec side.  I only took advantage of the proximity to Montreal once last year, and made a point of visiting more often this year.  I'm kind of lumping 3 trips to Quebec into one post due to photo-deficiency.  I don't know what it is exactly, maybe the depressing amount snow still falling late April, maybe feeling creatively constipated, but I haven't produced as many photos I'm satisfied with.  Even the ones in this post are more obligatory rather than ones I'm really happy with, with the exception of these two dog ones, of course. such a pretty girl! I ran into these cuties on a trail in Gatineau Park, which is fairly close to downtown Ottawa, but is technically in Quebec.  I've always want...