If you couldn't tell from my this post and my last one, I'm in complete denial that summer is over. This summer was exciting for multiple reasons: 1) I started the blog in May so I was eager to plan a lot of summer shoots, 2) I started working so I had some pocket money to blow on cute summer clothes, and 3) come on man, it's summer! whooohoooo school's out (in my case, for good ! haha) I haven't done a ' The Other Side ' post in a while so I thought it'd be a good time now, while I'm being forced into this colder weather, to reminisce of happier, warmer times. May: Distillery District Little green door I asked my dad to take this photo for me (multiple tries, just to get the shot I wanted) but unfortunately, while it's exactly what I had in mind, it's slightly blurry. Dad refuses to wear his glasses (except when reading) and my legs were killing me from trying to maintain that squatting position. So this is what I ended up with...
“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” ― Ansel Adams